
Service (s)

Logo design



For all your wildest horticultural needs, Botanists has you covered. Their extensive product range and expert knowledge meant they needed an identity that left their customers feeling assured they went to the right place. Trigger words jumped out from the brief such as reliable, trustworthy, professional and approachable which I needed to convey in the final logo design.

The idea

After scribbling out hundreds of different ideas - most of them rather terrible (part of the process eh), I became quite fixated with the idea of tastefully combining a leaf with a B letterform and creating a logotype around it. I tried many different executions that each felt a little too cliché in their own ways until I found perfect balance in the sketch you see here. It was subtle enough that it didn’t demand too much attention whilst having enough presence that it was unmissable. Bingo!

Type & colour

To create the rest of the logotype, I compiled several different sans-serif typefaces to find shapes I felt complimented the B letterform. From here, I frankensteined anchor points and handles joining them up with my own (limited) letterform drawing skills to create a unique, ownable set of characters. I’m super happy with how it turned out because designing a typeface from scratch is so tough! God knows how these foundries do it.

I kept the colour palette rooted in forest hues and earth tones to cement the identity in its industry. The use of these softer colours in combination with the sans-serif type ensured the brand felt approachable and friendly without sacrificing reliability or professionalism. Loved how it turned out!

This is a concept brand, available for purchase.