Service (s)

Logo & visual identity design


2022 noticed a niche in the bathroom and showers industry that could be filled by a brand that provides high quality products and services at affordable prices. They needed a logo and visual identity design that felt luxury and unique yet affordable to the masses. This is where I came in!

The idea

During the research stage of my process, I noticed that almost all of’s competitors use cliché visual signifiers of the industry with the likes of water droplets, bubbles, baths, etc. I needed to work out a way to create a unique mark whilst being clearly positioned as a bathroom and showers supplier.

Despite their name, supply everything you could possibly need for a new bathroom so I knew I needed to stay away from anything too shower focused. This got me thinking of attributes that most bathroom fittings share. An embarrassingly long while later, I realised that shared attribute is water. We see it flush down the toilet, flow into a shower/bath plughole and trickle down a basin.

It’s all well and good having narrowed my focus down to water but trying to be unique in an industry where other brands are using overdone iconography is a different kettle of fish. After a few more sketches and a couple of late nights, I cracked it. This mark is clean, simple and modern yet evokes the sense of water flowing down a plughole at the centre. A subtlety that might be missed is that I made sure the water flowed clockwise as was founded in the northern hemisphere - brownie points for me :)


Once I refined and finalised the logomark, I set upon pairing it with some elegant yet modern type and found this combination in Cora. It elevated the logomark allowing it to be used in mass-market applications as well a luxury niche. Next came the colour palette. As part of the brief, the team were set on blue which made a lot of sense for the industry but we still needed to find a way to stand out.

I conducted some colour analysis of some of their closest competitors and found a gap where we could use multiple shades of blue rather than a monochromatic approach as their competitors tended to do. The blue hues also route the brand in feelings of trust and security - perfect for a high-ticket brand and a nice-to-have for an affordable purveyor. Once the logo design was signed off, I set to work on the rest of the visual identity which consisted of bright, airy, naturally lit photography, logomark patterns, a supporting body copy typeface and a myriad of bespoke applications. I’m so happy with the outcome and can’t wait to see it used across the country!